Polk County Baptist Association
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Words from our Director of Missions Bro. Ryan Potts


January - March 2021
Broadcaster Newsletter Article


Happy New Year.  As we enter the new year, it is with hope and expectations of what the Lord will do this year.  The New Year provides fresh opportunities to follow God’s plan.  Exciting opportunities to share the Good News that Jesus saves!  A simple scripture like a John 3:16 is sufficient for God to convict and bring salvation to our love ones.

Thank you to Zion Baptist Church and Pastor Mike Hazlewood for hosting the Annual Meeting.  Pastor Benny Tomas was recognized and honored for his retirement after 54 years of gospel ministry.  On January 11, at Wetmore Baptist Church, the Executive Board will meet at 7, and the Advisory Council will meet at 6 pm.

The new year offers many bright possibilities to do the work of God, Saturate USA is a program that PCBA Moderator David Disney introduced to the Executive Board, and PCBA Outreach Advisor Pastor Larry Humbard has adopted as a worthy goal for our association.  There will be opportunities for you and your church to participate in delivering a Jesus DVD and a Gospel tract to every home in your zip code.  This is a low or no contact project, in which individuals hang a bag on the door of every home in our communities.  Each bag will contain a Jesus DVD, Gospel tract, and information about your church. This is taking the Good News to our Jerusalem.  Other work includes ongoing opportunities to provide hands on mission service, in our association through the Baptist Center, Camp Agape, Food Bank, and H.E.L.P. Ministry, Free Lunch in the Park (F.L.I.P. Ministry), as well as, direct mission / ministry service to the lost people of Polk County. 

The upcoming We Love Polk County Week of Prayer and Love Offering suggested dates are set for February 7 - 13.  Information letters and prayer guide materials will be mailed to each church pastor soon.  Feel free to contact the Baptist Center for details on the week of prayer for Polk County and your association.  This offering is a vital aspect of funding for local missions.  Plans for fund allocation will be similar to the past offerings, which were utilized in the following ways to support missions in Polk County.  Offering promotion expenses, mission expenses, such as Hospitality Evangelism Love and Prayer (H.E.L.P.) Ministry ongoing operational expense.  Free Lunch In the Park (F.L.I.P. Ministry) supplies, Program expenses such as – Outreach, Training, and Worship examples of purchases…evangelistic tracts, evangelistic literature, events, and event promotion.  Building Maintenance.       

2KX – 10X2 – please remember the suggested dates for the

2KX 10X2 is Day Light Savings Time change Sunday.  Thanks to all who contributed in the Fall. 2KX 10X2 is a special individual- based funding tool for PCBA missions.  

God’s provision through special donations made it possible to provide every child in South Polk Elementary School, with a backpack.  Smaller Mission teams from GA worked to distribute the backpacks in December.  We praise God for His provision and thank you to the PCBA churches that prayed for the distribution.  We are grateful to our partners that make it possible to help meet needs and share the Gospel of Jesus with children and their families in Polk County.   

Please continue to pray for the Gospel light of God to shine through the spiritual darkness in Polk County, for the salvation of our neighbors, friends, and family.  If you want to get personally involved, please contact me for information on opportunities to do the Great Commission and impact lostness. 

My prayers are with PCBA churches as you are gearing up for Easter.  Even with social distancing, Easter is still one of the greatest evangelistic opportunities.  Statistics and surveys prove that around Easter, there is a greater sensitivity to spiritual needs and the things of God, even among those without a relationship with Jesus.   

On a couple of personal notes, Lois and I celebrated our 32th Wedding Anniversary on December 9, 2020.  

Thank you for the opportunity to serve the Lord, by serving Polk County Baptist churches. 
Remember, We Can Do More TOGETHER!
(see I Cor. 3:9a) 